Monday, June 11, 2012

Food for Thought

Whilst perusing through some nutrition photo files that I’ve saved over the years, I came across one in particular that always strikes a chord:
photo source
After reading this again, my thoughts are brought back to a past blog post on the topic of clean eating. There is and will always be one simple truth about good health – you just cannot get healthy without eating healthy. You can sweat it out at the gym for hours each day, but if you follow that with a trip through your local drive-through, your hard work will be for naught. Food is the biggest ticket in establishing good health. If you fuel your body with garbage, your body will show it. If you eat healthy and fresh foods, your body and skin will glow with wholesome health that gives you boundless energy, a clearer mind and a greater overall feeling of happiness!
Are you considering more about trying to clean up your diet? It can seem a bit overwhelming at first, especially if you have a lot of changes to make. The best advice I know is to take small steps. Make little changes every day and don’t beat yourself up if you make mistakes. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. The key is understanding that it’s what you do the majority of the time that counts the most.
I don’t know about you, but even something as simple as some text typed over an apple has given me some renewed motivation to do better by me. I suppose the old adage is right – an apple a day… J

Speaking of apples - here are some clean recipes from Tiffany McCauley at The Gracious Pantry who's helped me put a lot of my clean-eating philosophies into a clearer (or should I say, cleaner?) perspective. Tiffany, thank you for letting me share your recipes and your inspirational blog!

photo source

Happy health,
Chloe RD & the GLC

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