Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Nutrition Tip of the Day

Happy first day of February! (or is it April?!) It's entirely too beautiful a day to be cooped up indoors... But alas, duty calls. So what better reason do I have than to give you the GLC Blog's very first Nutrition Tip of the Day!

Are You a Late-Night Snacker?
Are you concerned that late-night snacking is sabotaging your New Year's goal to eat healthier? 

cheese and crackers with fruit
Contrary to myth, late-evening calories are no more likely to promote weight gain than calories eaten at other times of the day, and it won't wake you up if you're sleepy. The problem with late-night snacking is that you might be eating for reasons other than hunger and you could find yourself eating more calories than you had planned.

fruit and yogurt

If you normally eat an early dinner, you may be hungry before bedtime. A small snack to curb hunger is perfect, but it's important to avoid impulse eating. Here are some tips for keeping those late-night munchies from taking control:

·         When you find yourself wanting a snack at night, think about why: Is it hunger, boredom, anxiety, a habit?
If you’re bored or anxious turn to a favorite hobby to pass the time and quell your nervousness.

·         Start eating dinner later.

apple and peanut butter

·         Can't beat the late-night craving? Hold off on dessert until later in the evening. Just remember to keep your portions under control!
·         Go to bed earlier. Eight hours of sleep gives you a mental edge to help control emotional eating any time of day.
For more information on smart snacking, check out the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics’ tip sheet on Smart Snacking for Adults and Teens (Adobe Acrobat is required for viewing).

Happy (and smart!) snacking,
Chloe RD & the GLC

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